SMC Recertification

Ace the SMC Recertification Exam in the First Attempt in Just 4 Weeks

2.24,909+ enrolled

A SCRUMstudy™ certificate should be renewed within three calendar years of its issue date. As the Scrum/Agile field is maturing, it is important for practitioners to be abreast of current and latest innovations in the field. For example, the current version of the SBOK™ Guide includes details on Scaling Scrum for Large Projects and Scaling Scrum for the Enterprise. Sections on improving the Scrum Guidance Body and Planning in Scrum have also been updated. Maintaining a certificate enables a student to demonstrate his/her commitment to continuing learning. It also demonstrates the student’s knowledge of Scrum/Agile to employers, peers and colleagues.

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Course Highlights

  • 3 months access
  • Expert tutor support
  • Fully mobile compatible
  • 2 Examination Retakes Voucher

Exam Format

  • Multiple choice
  • 50 questions per exam
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Online exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • E-Certificate

A student can renew their certificate in the following ways:

A Recertification course is not as extensive as the Certification course and consists of only half the exam questions. A student can pass the Recertification exam with just a few hours of study. A student passing the Recertification exam implies that the student has reviewed the latest concepts from the SBOKâ„¢ Guide. As such, all previous certifications of the student get renewed for 3 years from the date of passing this certification exam.

A student passing any other SCRUMstudyâ„¢ certification exam implies that they has reviewed the latest concepts from the SBOKâ„¢ Guide and fulfils the criteria for maintaining certification.

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